Greene Tweed Customer Update Regarding Coronavirus

by:Greene Tweed

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Dear Valued Customer,

We wanted to let you know that Greene Tweed has been carefully monitoring the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) global situation since the virus was first detected December 2019, and we are committed to taking all necessary and proactive steps to mitigate any disruption in service to our customers.

We continue to take actions that address business continuity in our offices and manufacturing facilities around the world including the activation of a Global Crisis Management Team to assess and implement virus prevention measures, official recommendations, and business continuity plans.

Currently, we are delivering our high-quality parts and services with very limited or no interruption. If we anticipate any disruption to your service, we will notify you immediately.

Greene Tweed’s Crisis Management Team is also working to ensure the health and safety of our employees and their families. We are following advice from the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization to reduce any risk to our employees and visitors. We are prohibiting travel as well as restricting access to our facilities.

As part of these efforts:

Our plants have adopted continuity plans which include health education and comprehensive pandemic prevention measures.
Our supply chain teams are working with suppliers to secure delivery of goods and services.
Greene Tweed is restricting access to its plants to essential personnel necessary to ensure operations.
Our guidelines include a quarantine policy for any employee who traveled to a high-risk region prior to travel ban.
Along with our dedicated global employees, Greene Tweed is committed to overcoming these difficulties together. We can guarantee a smooth flow of communication and collaboration with you to safeguard continuous operations through this challenging time.

If you have any questions, or if you need any further information please don’t hesitate to contact your Greene Tweed Account Manager or Customer Service Representative.


Fernando J. Torres
Vice President, Operations
